Tag: Older

Some older Nook e-readers can’t get new books in 2024

Barnes & Noble is sunsetting support for some of its oldest e-readers. It’ll start by disabling the devices’ services starting in April 2024; afterward, the company will disable access to the Barnes...

The Moon Is Millions of Years Older Than We Thought, Scientists Say : ScienceAlert

If there's a man in the Moon, as the old beliefs go, he's a pretty venerable one. Earth's lunar companion is thought to have formed not long after the planet itself, some...

Sex Appears to Protect Brain Health in Older Adults, Scientists Say : ScienceAlert

Sex is a natural, common, and pleasurable part of human life, yet its impact on the health of the brain is surprisingly understudied.A longitudinal study on life, sexuality, and mental sharpness in...

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