Category: La science

The Weird Way That Human Waste Is Killing Corals

“Even with a severe heat wave in 2015, 20 percent of those reefs that were in cleaner water with the herbivore fish not only went got through the heat, but some improved,”...

Scientists Find A Whole New Ecosystem Hiding Beneath Earth’s Seafloor : ScienceAlert

Scientists keep peeling back new layers of life on our planet like a seemingly endless onion.Most recently, aquanauts on board a vessel from the Schmidt Ocean Institute used an underwater robot to...

What Doctors Wish You Knew About HIPAA and Data Security

A former Department of Homeland Security adviser and a doctor, Chris Pierson is CEO of BlackCloak, a company that specializes in personal digital protection from financial fraud, cybercrime, reputational damage, and identity...

Binaural Beats Could Actually Hinder Learning, Study Warns : ScienceAlert

The soothing sounds of binaural beats are thought to sharpen focus when cramming information into our chock-a-block heads. But a new study has found that binaural beats might actually hinder learning, not...

Covid’s Summer Wave Is Rising—Again

At this point, it’s too early to say there’s a massive wave of infections building—but the hospitalization data is enough to pique the attention of epidemiologists and public health experts. Although case...

An 800-Year-Old Math Trick Could Be The Key to Navigating The Moon : ScienceAlert

We've been landing people on the Moon since 1969, but as we start to explore the lunar surface, how will astronauts find their way around? We need a global navigation satellite system...

The Rise and Fall of the Zero-Waste Trash Jar

A trash jar can amplify that personal focus, since keeping one requires such extreme attentiveness to one’s consumption patterns. Kellogg says it’s simply not worth putting all your energy into a trash jar...

Why It’s Bad to Always Suck Your Stomach in : ScienceAlert

Our abdominal muscles are among the hardest-working muscles in the body. They are involved in nearly every move we make, keeping the body stable and balanced, protecting our spine and even ensuring...
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