At around 3,300 meters (2 miles) below the surface off the coast of Alaska, where the warm light of the Sun never penetrates, an NOAA Ocean Exploration remotely operated underwater vehicle came...
“V. vulnificus is only active at a temperature that's above 13 degrees Celsius, and then it becomes more prevalent up until the temperature reaches 30 degrees Celsius, which is 86 Fahrenheit,” says...
Using light that has traveled for more than 11 billion years to reach us, scientists have just measured the most distant magnetic field yet.It was emitted by a galaxy called 9io9, which...
The trial was sponsored by Novo Nordisk, which makes Ozempic and Wegovy. Semaglutide was originally developed by the company as a medication to treat type 2 diabetes. (It has been approved by...
Invasive species that wreck crops, ravage forests, spread disease, and upend ecosystems are spreading ever faster across the globe, and humanity has not been able to stem the tide, a major scientific...
At first glance, the grit crust could seem like a routine example of what researchers call a biological soil crust, or “biocrust”—a community of coexisting bacteria, fungi, algae, and other microorganisms that...
Scientists have isolated a possible new antibiotic from a strain of bacterium found in sandy soil from North Carolina.The way it works could make pathogens less likely to develop drug resistance.The potent...
For three years, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued complicated—and occasionally contradictory—guidance on when you should wear a mask, depending on whether you're inside, outside, vaccinated, or...