Tag: ScienceAlert

The Blood of Exceptionally Long-Lived People Shows Crucial Differences : ScienceAlert

Centenarians, once considered rare, have become commonplace. Indeed, they are the fastest-growing demographic group of the world's population, with numbers roughly doubling every ten years since the 1970s. How long humans can live,...

Elite Runners Live Years Longer Than The Average Person, Scientists Find : ScienceAlert

Running 10 hours a week for more than 120 km (75 miles) is extreme exercise, to be sure. Yet far from pushing the body beyond its limits, a new study suggests some...

We Now Know Why This Common Rock Is So Good at Growing Clouds : ScienceAlert

Given the right conditions, tiny airborne particles of the rock mineral feldspar can influence cloud formation. Just how this happens, however, has never been clear.Now new research has now solved the mystery...

A Persistent Rumor Suggests This Tree Can Walk Around, But Is It True? : ScienceAlert

The stories we tell ourselves about the natural world can sometimes stretch far from the truth.For years, visitors to the rainforests of Central and South America have been told of a tree...

Scientists Reveal a New Way Our DNA Can Make Novel Genes From Scratch : ScienceAlert

Scientists have discovered how our DNA can use a genetic fast-forward button to make new genes for quick adaptation to our ever-changing environments.During an investigation into DNA replication errors, researchers from Finland's...

A Controversial Superconductor Paper Has Finally Been Retracted by Nature : ScienceAlert

If you've found the superconductor highs and lows of the past year to be exhausting, you are not alone.The field has been plagued by a series of astonishing claims followed by skepticism,...

The World’s Largest Forest Wilderness Seems to Be Shrinking : ScienceAlert

Earth's boreal forests circle our planet's far northern reaches, just south of the Arctic's treeless tundra. If the planet wears an Arctic ice cap, then the boreal forests are a loose-knit headband...

Millions of Women Feel Severe Pain From This Condition. Why Don’t We Talk About It? : ScienceAlert

Endometriosis causes physical, sexual and emotional pain.About 190 million people around the globe have endometriosis, including one in 10 American women, but there has historically been a deafening silence about the disease...

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