At a glanceExpert's Rating
ProsHighly customizable detection featuresSupports local and cloud storageEasy installationConsMagnetic mount could leave camera vulnerable to theftBullet-style design not particularly attractiveOur VerdictThe Tapo Wire-Free Magnetic Security Camera can be installed...
Naaman and his team discovered that chiral molecules filter electrons based on the direction of their spin. Electrons with one spin orientation will move more efficiently across a chiral molecule in one...
Using light that has traveled for more than 11 billion years to reach us, scientists have just measured the most distant magnetic field yet.It was emitted by a galaxy called 9io9, which...
The true identity of a star that has baffled astronomers for more than 100 years has finally come to light.HD 45166 is a dying Wolf-Rayet star around 3,000 light-years away. Like most...
I’ve been testing Corsair’s new $229.99 K70 Max mechanical keyboard for the last few days — its first to use magnetic Hall effect sensors to register keypresses, allowing for new features like...
Thanks to a combination of sensing the Earth's magnetic field through vision and an in-built compass that allows them to orient themselves according to magnetic intensity, migratory birds don't have much trouble finding their way.
Those biological...