Tag: Fall

Amazon’s 2023 fall hardware event is a chance for a new focus on the smart home

They say the heart of any home is the kitchen, and while nice in theory, we all know that in most American homes, it’s the room with the biggest TV where everyone...

The Rise and Fall of the Zero-Waste Trash Jar

A trash jar can amplify that personal focus, since keeping one requires such extreme attentiveness to one’s consumption patterns. Kellogg says it’s simply not worth putting all your energy into a trash jar...

The Rise, Fall and Renaissance of AMD

AMD is one of the oldest designers of large scale microprocessors and the subject of polarizing debate among technology enthusiasts for nearly 50 years. Its story makes for a thrilling...

Epic ajoute de nouveaux “comptes en cabine” pour les enfants dans Fortnite, Rocket League et Fall Guys

Epic Games introduit un nouveau type de compte pour les enfants qui jouent à ses jeux multijoueurs en ligne. Les nouveaux comptes, appelés comptes en cabine, ont certaines restrictions jusqu'à ce...

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