Vijay Janapa Reddi runs a lab at Harvard University where he and his team attempt to solve some of the computer world’s greatest challenges. As a specialist in artificial intelligence systems, the...
After toying with lower-cost magnetic Qi wireless charging for a minute, Nomad is back on its proper MagSafe charger kick. The premium accessory maker is announcing a new multi-charger that’s meant to...
I started adding smart home gadgets to my house back in 2013. I had a few GE Link light bulbs (RIP), a Nest Learning Thermostat, and some Lutron smart switches running on...
Comcast is launching a new cellular-equipped backup internet device that’s designed to keep customers connected during storms and localized outages. The Xfinity Storm-Ready WiFi is a Wi-Fi 6-capable device powered by the...
You may have heard about this new smart home standard Matter and how it will make it easier to buy and set up connected gadgets. Not only that, but those gadgets should...
The latest video surveillance device from Amazon-owned Ring — the Ring Car Cam ($249.99) — is now available. The long-delayed dash cam / security device for your car provides the final piece...