Hi, friends! Welcome to Installer No. 16, your guide to the best and Verge-iest stuff in the world. (If you’re new here, welcome to our delightful corner of the internet, sorry about...
You just bought a new laptop, built a new desktop PC, or are simply clean installing on a new solid state drive, good for you! Gotta love the taste of...
Portable apps usually offer the same functionality and advantages as the regular versions of your favorite software, but without any installers involved. That means portable apps come in really handy...
It’s been over two years since COVID-19 made its way around the world, and while the state of emergency has let up somewhat, many of us are still relying on...
A true “metaverse” may not yet exist, but that hasn’t stopped marketers from adopting the buzzword to promote their apps and games on mobile app stores. According to new data shared today...
When the house falls silent in the dead of night, or after the kids have gone to school in the morning, I can hear a high-pitched, occasionally oscillating sound. If I focus...