Category: La technologie

Google va fermer Currents, le remplaçant de Google Plus axé sur le travail

Google a annoncé qu'il fermerait Currents, qui a été introduit en 2019 en remplacement de Google Plus pour G Suite. Dans un article de blog, la société déclare qu'elle...

Une tempête géomagnétique détruit 40 nouveaux satellites SpaceX en orbite

Au cours des trois dernières années, SpaceX a déployé des milliers de satellites en orbite terrestre basse dans le cadre de son activité visant à diffuser un service Internet haut débit depuis...

Comment choisir et configurer un portefeuille crypto

Si les gens qui acheter des crypto-monnaies destinées uniquement à les conserver en tant qu'investissements spéculatifs, il n'y aurait pas vraiment besoin de portefeuilles cryptographiques. Les échanges et les courtages en...

The Potential of AI to Improve Human Resource Management (HRM)

H.R. is just one of the many fields transformed by A.I. Recent studies agree that the future of HRM involves the collaboration between a man and the machine. A.I. can complement human...

How can early-stage startups compete for talent? –

Sophie Alcorn Contributor Sophie Alcorn is the founder of Alcorn Immigration Law in Silicon Valley and 2019 Global Law Experts Awards’ “Law Firm of the Year in California for Entrepreneur Immigration Services.” She connects...

Talking to my PS5 works better than I expected

Sony’s latest PS5 beta, which began rolling out Wednesday, adds support for a new “Hey PlayStation!” voice command you can use to open games, apps, and settings and control movies...

Rivian Loses Its Shine as Investors Fret About Production Delays

The company also did not tell investors that its chief operating officer, Rod Copes, a Harley-Davidson veteran, left the company last year. Public companies and those in the process of listing their...

The Alt-Right on Facebook Are Hijacking Canada’s Trucker Blockade

For two weeks now, truckers have brought the center of Ottawa, Canada’s capital city, to a standstill. What started as a localized dispute against vaccine mandates has now snowballed—co-opted as a cause...
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